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Are burgers better than pancakes?

It's not a social media trend, but it sure took the social media world by storm. IHOB!

Burgers instead of pancakes? Yeah, it happened. You can find some of my favorite brand tweet responses in the tweet of the week. What else happened this week? 

Take a look for yourself. ↓


3D posts are coming. This will provide depth to your images, which is pretty cool. 

facebook 3d photo

Remember the good times? Facebook wants you to remember with Facebook Memories. In an effort to become more personal, there will be a more centralized "On this Day" section including friend highlights and monthly recaps! You can also filter out people that you realllllly would rather not remember everything about. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate that feature. 

Facebook MemoriesLastly, Facebook is now experimenting with a gaming video “destination.” This will be split into "Live Now, Streams by Game, Suggested Streamers, Recently Live, and Watched by Your Friends." It will be a way for gamers to connect in a different way. 

Facebook gaming


Take back what you said with tools to delete messages! Even if it hasn't been read, it can be deleted....removing tons of regret. "To delete a message, inside the chat, tap and hold until the pop-up menu appears. A delete option appears at the end of that list. After tapping the option, another pop-up will ask to confirm while also reminding you that everyone will still be able to see that you deleted a message."

Wow Snapchat

Companies can now make branded versions of Snapchat's AR games

Snapchat said,

Starting today, advertisers - both big and small - can run and manage their own AR Lens campaigns directly from Snapchat’s self-serve tool. From uploading Lens creative to buying and measuring campaigns, today’s update turns Ads Manager into a one-stop shop for all things advertising on Snapchat.”

The games are so fun and it was a great idea in my opinion. 

Snapchat games 


More new shopping tags! We're no strangers to the shopping that can happen on Instagram. Well at least I'm not... Now brands will be able to use shopping tags IN Instagram stories. Hide your credit card, okay? 

Instagram Shopping Tags


Anddddd now we're back to IHOP. IHOB? Here's what some other brands had to say about the situation. 



Wendy's Tweet


Now that we've all had a good laugh, make sure to check back in next week for even more social media updates!

Lizzie Williamson

Social Media Enthusiast | Dog Lover | Coffee Connoisseur | Louisiana, USA

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