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Does your business need facebook's bluetooth beacon?

We've talked about how to stand out among your competitors online; but what about at your physical, brick and mortar location? Facebook has released their Bluetooth Beacon to help attract customers to your store. The Beacon will send relevant users alerts when they are in or very near your business.


What is Facebook's Bluetooth Beacon?

If a customer opens Facebook while they are in your store, your business' Place Tips will be delivered on their phone. Place Tips is information about your business that you have crafted specifically for the user. It will inlcude things such as a welcome note and photo, prompts to like your Page or Check In on Facebook, and posts from your page. 

The Bluetooth Beacon is the most reliable way to show Place Tips. The tips help customers get more out of their visit; they can look at recommended items or see if there are any sales going on. Setup is easy and the Beacons are free to use. They can currently connect with iPhone users with their Bluetooth and Place Tips on, as long as the user is within close proximity of your location. There is no exchange of information; you will not be able to see anything from the user. Users also have the option to turn off Place Tips.

Bluetooth technology is used to connect with users and the beacons are designed to not disrupt your Wifi network or any other equipment you use. At this time, you can't choose what Place Tips users see. You will need to keep your Page up to date and ensure  any important and relevant information is present. You are able to customize the welcome message that will be shown to users. 

Is a Bluetooth Beacon right for your business?

Anyone with a brick and mortar location could benefit from the Bluetooth Beacon. Facebook is currently distributing Beacons to a limited number of small and medium businesses for free. It gives you the ability to share relevant information about your business with customers and this helps you to stand out and keep customers engaged. 


What are your thoughts on the Facebook Bluetooth Beacon? Let us know!

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