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Why Inbound Marketing Will Change the Way You Do Business

What exactly is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is a relatively new form of marketing that focuses on attracting customers through blog posts, podcasts, e-books, SEO, social media marketing, and other forms of content marketing. Below is Hubspot's process of Inbound Methodology:

attract, convert, close, and delight potential customers with inbound marketing

This new way of reaching customers has begun to eclipse traditional marketing efforts, which generally throws products in the face of consumers and hopes for a purchase.

A baby with a phone and a chat bubble that reads: No, I don't own a phone, why are you calling me at dinnertime?

Inbound has emerged as a necessary form of marketing for a few key reasons:

Why Inbound Marketing is Better:

With a clear understanding of the difference between Inbound Marketing vs. Traditional tactics, the obvious question is which is better for my business?  In today's world, so much information is available to consumer's at the drop of a hat. This means it is crucial for you to prove your worth to your customer rather than just let them know you are there.

How Does Inbound Marketing Help a Business?

Inbound Marketing helps businesses by focusing on creating and distributing content that is tailored to customers' interests and needs. This type of marketing can prove invaluable when it comes to building trust, credibility, and authority for a business in its respective field.

Inbound will improve your marketing effectiveness for these reasons:

1. With inbound marketing, the customer is in charge

  • Customers know what they want and when they want it
  • It is increasingly important for buyer's to be sure of the value they are getting in a product
  • With so much information available online, consumers can easily find alternatives if they do not believe that your product is the best thing out there
  • Monitoring your online presences and creating the right content will prove your value to your potential customers

2. Your message can be catered to your readers

  • Visitors to your website will be in all different stages of the buying process
  • You can create content that is made for reader's in all stages
  • Understanding what your potential customers in each stage are looking for will help you create an effective marketing plan

3. Inbound will help you expand your reach

  • Inbound marketing includes search engine optimization, helping you rank higher in potential customer's searches more frequently
  • Targeting specific buyer personas with your content will increase you CTR
  • Inbound helps you increase meaningful traffic

What is the Impact of Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is transforming the way businesses market their products and services. Unlike traditional marketing tactics, Inbound focuses on providing valuable content to draw potential customers to your website or social media profiles. This method of marketing has been proven to be more successful than traditional tactics and will continue to have an impact on businesses in the years to come.

Get Started!

Every business or non-profit wants to increase their overall marketing effectiveness.  Over 60% of organic clicks on search engines go to the first 3 sites listed.  Make sure your business is one of those sites! Don't ignore the opportunity to create the perfect content for your buyers so that you can increase your conversion rate and generate better business. 


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