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Yes or No to Twitter Polls?


Stay on trend with your business.  I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz about twitter polls.  Slowly, more and more twitter users are discovering the ablility to make twitter polls. So, what exactly is a twitter poll and how can it benefit your business?

People have been using twitter to acquire information for many years.  It was a simple retweet for this and favorite for that. 

Now twitter has introduced twitter polls.  You can create your own two-option poll that will be open for 24 hours. Twitter polls give your audience an easier way to engage in your business.


How do you create a twitter poll?

You can create a poll both on the twitter app and on a desktop. Click on the tweet button and then look down by the media and location buttons. There should be a circular button you can click on to make a poll. If you want your tweet to get extra attention you can pin it to the top of your timeline for people who visit your business’s page.

 A twitter poll screenshot

Will polls boost engagement?

Of Course! Followers can vote on what content they want to see.  Want to add a new flavor to your beverage line? Give your followers two choices and ask which one they would prefer. You can also ask for predictions and just have fun with it. You can request product feedback with polls too. For example,  what are the customers actually thinking about the beverage flavor they chose? 

Twitter Polls makes it easy for businesses to collect data from existing and potential customers. They help figure out the customers’ preferences, while not showing who voted for what.  Add this to your marketing strategy and keep up with the social media trends to help reach your customers.


I find twitter polls to be very helpful from a marketing standpoint for businesses.


Science of Success on Twitter

Lizzie Williamson

Social Media Enthusiast | Dog Lover | Coffee Connoisseur | Louisiana, USA

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