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Creating a Social Media Content Calendar for March 2020🌈(PLUS IDEAS!)

March is just around the corner, y'all. If you haven't already started planning your next month of content, the time is now. After all, crafting incredible content doesn't happen overnight. It takes an incredible investment of time, energy, research and an openness to try new things that may or may not work depending on what industry you're working in.

Content creation is a very exhausting task. And whether that's because it requires so much time, brain space and a good dose of your sanity, or because it's a task that's never really finished, (can anyone hear me? Month after month after month of new content and material...) content creation is by far one of the most mentally draining responsibilities when it comes to social media.

That's why we're here to help you fill in the gaps in your content calendar, alleviate some stress so you can put your feet up with a cup of coffee and maybe even help you come up with some ideas that will stretch into next month. (We can dream, can't we?)

So without any further explanations, let's jump right into the space and creativity you need to get into the content creation mood.

There's No Need to Limit Your Creativity to Your Content Team

No, seriously. If it sounds backwards, let me just tell you: at my company, everyone has a chance to sit in on our brainstorm meetings. And we do this because you'll never know what kind of amazing content a fresh perspective can bring to the table.

It shouldn't matter whether someone has necessarily had "experience" or not, because for all you know, that lack of experience can lead to some wildly incredible ideas. Don't believe me?

We've turned out some incredible campaigns for even our largest clients all because we welcomed event coordinators, office managers, account managers and more into our creative brainstorms.

If you've seen Disney's "Ratatouille", you might recall Gusteau's famous line: "Anyone Can Cook." This is a pivotal part of who we are at Sociallyin, and we think you should incorporate your whole team when it comes to brainstorms. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish and create based only off of an idea from the most unlikely sources.

"Not everyone can be a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere."

A Few Tips to Creating Fabulous Content Easily

Turns out, there's plenty of ways to streamline certain processes when it comes to your content. And today, (because we care) we're going to share some of those methods with you.

When Possible, Use Templates. Why? Because it can save you SO MUCH TIME both when it comes to your content production and when it comes to your mental capacity for creative content creation. Check out these Canva alternatives that are wonderfully helpful when it comes to content creation and free templates. (You can thank me later.)

Leverage Gifs. In every situation, when you can, use the power of a gif to catch the attention of your viewers more easily and keep it. Short form videos are awesome in this way too, and much easier to make than long form videos. But there is one thing you'll need to keep in mind. As one of our fabulous S3 Speakers, Conrad Martin said at last year's Southern Social Summit: "Don't create 60 second videos if you can't hold someone's attention for 60 seconds." And I couldn't agree more.

Shoot for Easily Consumed Content. The scrolling never ends, so your goal should be to create impressionable and quickly digestible content. This comes in many forms, but some of the most popular include quotes, very short video clips, animated graphics and more.

What to Post in March 2020?

So all of that is fine and good, but maybe you just need some raw, pretty much ready to deliver content ideas to fill your March calendar. And I hear you. So what are we waiting for? Let's fill that calendar!


Whether other people know necessarily that today was National best friends day or National Margarita Day is beyond the point. After all, you could very well be the one that lets them know they have a great excuse to eat ice cream on National Ice Cream Day!

So what are some fabulous holiday "days" you can take advantage of this March?

  • March 1 is World Compliment Day
  • March 2 is National Read Across America Day
  • March 7 is National Be Heard Day
  • March 8 is International Women’s Day
  • March 8: Daylight Saving Time begins
  • March 10 is Organize your Home Office Day
  • March 14 is National Pi Day / Albert Einstein’s birth date
  • March 19 is Companies That Care Day
  • March 19 is Client’s Day
  • March 20 is International Day of Happiness
  • March 21 is Twitter’s 14th birthday
  • March 23 is National Puppy Day
  • March 26 is Live Long And Prosper Day
  • March 27 is Celebrate Exchange Day
  • March 29 is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Some great ways to really get the most bang for your buck is to create graphics or run giveaways and sales around the various holidays. Limited time promotions or flash campaigns are always a fabulous tool, not to mention using each day as a build up for the release of new products and services. (Dressing your dog up or having an office dog is an amazing idea, too, btw.)

And don't forget Saint Patrick's Day! It falls on the seventeeth of March, 2020, this year, so make sure you make some awfully wonderful content and maybe you'll get a little more lucky with impressions.🌈💰

Utilize Your Blog Content

Whether you create infographics or short form video from your blogs, utilizing your blog content fro social posts is a great way to save yourself time and effort when it comes to social media posts.

Just don't rely on this as a method on it's own, because without further content and strategy, you won't get far.

Re-purpose Content

Re-purposing past content is one of the most time-effective and smart things you can do. Show the world what you're doing and post across multiple platforms. Maybe pull up some old but awesome content you were super proud of. As long as it's relevant to your goals and your strategy, it's fair game.

Go Behind the Scenes

Show your audience the culture of your work place and what makes it exciting and how it works. Give them a taste of what they're missing, or a showcase of your best work, services or products. This can be enlightening and exciting for your audience, even if they're unfamiliar with your brand.

When it comes to crafting a content calendar for March, don't forget that sometimes, it's okay to skip a day if you're just not sure what to post and need some time to refocus. Pick it up the next day. Make plans over the weekend. Maybe plan your content schedule with extra time to plan the next month of content.

Whatever it takes to stay creative and protect your mental capacity, do it. It all pays off in the end.

Do you have and wildly effective creative content ideas that are March specific? We want to hear all about them!

Keith Kakadia

I am a native of New Orleans, LA with a passion for social media marketing, entrepreneurship, and making new connections. I enjoy the opportunity to work with amazing individuals and brands everyday.

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