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Inbound 101: What is Inbound Marketing? (pt. 1)


Historically, the South hasn't always been the most open to change so it's understandable that they're somewhat behind the curve when it comes to Digital Marketing and more specifically Inbound Marketing. Realizing this, we at Sociallyin are here to help. Our latest campaign, Inbound 101, is all about educating you on the basics of Inbound Marketing and the benefits it can provide to your business. 

Over the next few weeks, we will break down all the ins and outs on Inbound offering various tips, hints and 

tricks that can help you develop and execute successful Inbound Campaigns.  

Check out these free offers to learn more about the effectiveness of Inbound Marketing

  • Inbound Marketing Campaign Checklist
  • Inbound Marketing Effectiveness

Inbound provides the blueprint to turn complete strangers into your biggest fans. With a proven methodology from our partners at Hubspot, you have a roadmap to inbound success. 

There are 4 stages in the Inbound Methodology: Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. 




All traffic isn't good traffic. 20,000 visits means nothing if it isn't producing any relevant leads. It's all about getting that right traffic from your target demographic. Who that right traffic is, is determined by your buyer personas. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer, aka the right traffic. Buyer personas should be the foundation of your business. How could you possibly market a product or service when you don't know who the customer is? 

How to Create Buyer Persona CTA

The attract stage is all about just that, attracting relevant traffic. This stage equips you with tools such as blogging, keywords, and social media. 


Think of your blog as the backbone of your Inbound Marketing campaign. A blog post is the most beneficial way to attract new visitors to your website. The key to getting them there is producing content that answers key questions that they have about your business. 

Keywords / SEO

The average customer begins their online buying process, with a Google search. Making sure you appear in these search results is essential when it comes to attracting new eyes.  This comes by strategically choosing terms that your ideal customer would be searching for then creating content and building campaigns around those terms. This also goes for your website pages. Make sure that they are optimized to get the best search results from the right eyes. 

Social Media

The key to any successful Inbound campaign is remarkable, sharable content. One of the most important factors in this is how you distribute that content and get it in front of your target market. When you publish valuable content on social media, it allows you to reach potential customers and give them a face to connect with.

New Call-to-action

That wraps up the basics of the Attract Stage. This will help you turn those strangers, into repeat visitors.  


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