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NEVER Run Out of Content: Keeping the Creative Mind Alive

Whether it be for your website, newsletter or your social media channels, running out of ideas for creative content is a fear that is living in the hearts of creative experts like us 24/7.

And because this is such a common problem, we wanted to take some time to help you through it. Ready to harness the secrets to keeping your creative mind alive? Let’s get started.

Give Yourself a Space to be Creative

One of the most important things you can do as far as keeping the creative spark glowing brightly is giving yourself some space to be creative. If you work in the office, bring a little something to add a spark of creativity to the environment. A poster. A mug. Maybe even a plant or a little knick-knack. When you’re home, choose a room or a spot that you can turn into a creative zone, but also be sure to make the space as efficient as possible.

Giving yourself space to be creative includes the space in your mind. So take a breather every now and then!

You Can Always Learn From Your Audience and Your Competition

Both your audience and your competition are powerhouses of creativity. You can run polls and find out what your audience really wants to see and, if you have a large enough engagement, have ideas that’ll last forever and a weekend.

Another trick is to jump over to a competitors’ social media pages and find out what’s catching the attention of their audience the most and then find a way to make it better.

Log Ideas Immediately in Your Smart Phone

It may be Sunday afternoon and work feels like a million hours away, but when the idea comes, you better catch it before its gone.

Smartphones have given us the amazing ability to be able to log ideas immediately when they pop up in our heads. On the bus. At lunch. In bed when we find ourselves unable to sleep at 2 AM browsing Wikipedia for three hours. Even at Grandma and grandpa’s for Thanksgiving.

Wherever you are, chances are your smartphone isn’t far behind. And that makes it the perfect creative buddy. As soon as that idea pops into your head, jot it down.

Prepare to “Brain Dump”

One of the best ways to get ideas is to just start writing and then organizing things into subsets. Inevitably, the more you write, the more ideas will come because they’re all connecting in some way and you’ll start realizing how much you can share on a single subject, but in a way that’s more in-depth. The only rule: make sure your content is providing value to your audience.

Not Feeling the Rush of Creativity?

Get out in nature for a few minutes or just take a walk down the hall. Consider spending a few minutes meditating before you start your creative work and in between large projects. If you’re feeling particularly dry on ideas, find out what’s trending and do your own spin of the latest “best practices” in your industry. 

We’re always looking for new ideas and the latest information when it comes to the creative side of social media marketing. Do you have anything interesting to share? Looking for a way to harness a creative voice for your brand? We’re Here for You and Would Love to Hear Your Feedback!


Keith Kakadia

I am a native of New Orleans, LA with a passion for social media marketing, entrepreneurship, and making new connections. I enjoy the opportunity to work with amazing individuals and brands everyday.

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