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NEW Instagram Stories Feature + More!

You know what day it is.. FRIDAY!


That also means it's time for your THIS WEEK IN SOCIAL MEDIA! Cue the applause. 


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Anyways, let's get to what you actually came here for..this week in social media



Facebook has announced an initiative to rate news outlets. The news outlets would be ranked by "quality." Will Facebook be the one to decide what is quality or will they have the user community make the decisions.  With this Facebook released a two-question survey on Tuesday, January 23rd to show how verification will work. The Facebook survey looks like this.  It's very simple, trying to gauge what the community trusts. 

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Full details haven't been shared by Facebook, so I'm excited to see how all of this plays out for Facebook over the next few months!


Have you ever heard of Flick? I hadn't. Facebook created a "new unit of time designed for coding video and other moving visual effects."  It's designed to simplify syncing videos and animations. 




GIFS. No matter how you sound it out we DEFINITELY needed the ability to add GIFs to Instagram Stories. There's not a doubt in my mind that this is the most important update of the week. 😂 

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Besides this wonderful add on, Instagram got a litttttttttle bit creepy. In your DM's you may notice a feature that lets you know when your friends were last active. (Side note mine probably always says 'active now.') 

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NEXT UP! Instagram is testing a feauture that will notify you if someone screenshots or screen records your stories. This clearly wouldn't be too different than Snapchat, but we'll see how it goes. 

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Snapchat will soon bring a 'Share Story' option. For shareable stories you will be given the option to share to other social media platforms like Twitter, text it to a friend, or put it on your website. 




I've said it before. This is just a friendly reminder that v2 is coming

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This entire thread actually.



That's all I got this week folks. It was a pretty fun one.

I'll see ya back here next week!IMG_3136








Lizzie Williamson

Social Media Enthusiast | Dog Lover | Coffee Connoisseur | Louisiana, USA

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