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Setting SMART Goals For Your Business

Wanting to take your company's goal planning and strategy to the next level? S.M.A.R.T. goal setting is the most effective way to organize and outline what you want to accomplish.

S.M.A.R.T. is the acronym used in setting goals. Read on to learn what each letter stands for and how it can help your planning.


When setting smart goals or objectives, you need to clearly define exactly what you want to accomplish. Your goal should answer the who, what, where, why, and how questions.


Be sure to quantify exactly what you want to achieve. This is critical so that you know when you've accomplished it. If they are not measurable, it can be hard to determine if they have been achieved. A measurable goal is also easier to manage because you are able to track your progress and make adjustments when necessary.


Nothing is more discouraging than setting goals but making them way out of your reach. By making your smart goals attainable, you are more likely to stay committed to accomplishing them.


A relevant goal is one that applies to your business and skills. It fits into how your business works and it doesn't require investment in time or money that is not available.


Give a timeline, so there will be a definitive point where you have to stop and say "Did we make it?" This will further motivate you to get the job done in a timely manner.

What goals are you wanting to achieve and how do you plan on accomplishing them? Let us know!

Check out these additional resources that'll help you get the most from your efforts:

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Keep this information in mind and you will be setting smart goals and reaching them in no time.

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Olivia Chatham

At SociallyIn Olivia works with the social media department as a social media manager. She also creates various content such as blogs, eBooks, and infographics. Outside of SociallyIn, you can find her listening to music, online shopping, or watching cooking shows.

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