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The Help Desk: How Do I Best Utilize Emojis on Social Media?

Emojis can feel complicated. Both because they seem to be almost too informal for businesses and because it can seem a little like trying to learn a new way of communicating with people. After all, when you look around, it seems like the rest f the world is pretty well versed in friendly, fun emojis.

With so many options and so much confusion, using emojis can definitely be a difficult tool to get your hands around, but think about it like a new car. In order to learn how to use it, you have to get out on the road and start using them. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

"Why Should I Bother Learning How to Use Emojis?"📚

It may seem easier to just let emojis fall to the wayside of your marketing campaign, but you need to remember that regardless of whether YOU'RE taking advantage of them or not, your competitors most likely ARE taking advantage of them.

In a study conducted by Appboy, it was discovered that emoji-based marketing campaigns have increased by 777% year-over-year. And in a separate study conducted by the Emoji Research Team, they found that 92% of people use emojis in their online interaction and posts, and more than 30% are using emojis more than a few times a day.

These studies show us that not only are people and businesses using emojis on a daily basis, they also aren't going anywhere anytime soon. And that means we need to get in on the game. Perhaps this is the very reason Vyv Evans, a linguistics professor at Bangor University, recently referred to emojis as "the fastest growing form of language in history." And it's true!

Shoot For Natural Emoji Placement🏞

Yes, emojis can help your bsiness grow and pick up traction for sure, but this doesn't mean you should adopt an emoji-only campaign or place too many in a single post.

Wanna see just how wrong this can go? HINT HINT: Chevy Goes Emoji 2015 Campaign. And get ready to cringe. 😨

Honestly, it's better to leave emojis out of the picture entirely than making the mistake of overusing them. So when in doubt, leave them out and opt for natural placement!

Keep Your Message Consistent🛣

With emojis. Without emojis. Whatever. The important thing here is that when you DO use emojis, you're keeping your message consistent.

If you're a lawyer or business professional, there are certain emojis that just don't belong in your posts. The more zany looking emojis, for instance. Or the emojis that have lots of sexual references attached, despite being fruits and vegetables. And the poop emoji? Yeah. Should probably leave that for someone else.

Consistency is crucial to your brand recognition and your marketing campaign because it can mean the difference between really capturing your target audience and losing them because you're not staying true to your brand with the emojis you're opting to use.

Do Plenty of Emoji Research🔍

Emojis can mean things entirely unrelated to what they're actually representing, which means if you're not careful, you can end up sending a message you did not intend to send to your audience. And the aftermath of an incident like this is disastrous. Believe me.

On the other hand, you need to make sure you're also paying attention and realize that things aren't always what they seem.

Forget how many times your mom tried to convince you this 💩 was chocolate or ice cream. Hint: It's not.

When Wielded Correctly, Emojis Drive Engagement.🚗

Emojis are an excellent tool for driving engagement on social.

For instance, you can have your audience respond with a particular emoji to enter a giveaway or retweet a specific emoji and a hashtag to help raise awareness for different fundraising purposes.

Remember, the more creative you can be, (while also staying relevant) the better off you'll be!

Find Ways to Tie Specific Emojis to Your Brand👔

Social media for the zoo? Well, that's easy. 🐻🐼🐒🦓🐯🦁

Or maybe you're a bakery.🍰🎂Or a Cajun seafood restaurant.🐊🦀🍤

There's always emojis that you can relate in some way to your brand and it's message, so get creative! Sometimes it may require some extra thought and some strategy, but in the end, emojis are there to make our job more exciting, fun and colorful. They're here so we can use them in new and imaginative ways. And guess what? It doesn't require spending any extra money or hiring a graphic designer, because everything you need is right in your hands.

What Are You Waiting For?⏰

A world of emojis is waiting right around the corner. Take this opportunity to get creative and drum up all kinds of traffic and engagement while everyone else is waiting around for things to get better in the economy.

Don't. Wait. For. Things. To. Get.Better.

Do your research. Stay relevant. Be creative. Stay open to being wrong. Don't succumb to emoji overuse. AND HAVE FUN!

Have a question or want to leave some emoji input? We want to hear all about it!

Keith Kakadia

I am a native of New Orleans, LA with a passion for social media marketing, entrepreneurship, and making new connections. I enjoy the opportunity to work with amazing individuals and brands everyday.

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