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What Is Inbound Marketing (pt 4)


Historically, the South hasn't always been the most open to change so it's understandable that they're somewhat behind the curve when it comes to Digital Marketing and more specifically Inbound Marketing. Realizing this, we at SociallyIn are here to help. Our latest campaign, Inbound 101, is all about educating you on the basics of Inbound Marketing and the benefits it can provide to your business. What is inbound marketing?

Over the next few weeks, we will break down all the ins and outs on Inbound offering various tips, hints and tricks that can help you develop and execute successful Inbound Campaigns.  

Check out these free offers to learn more about the effectiveness of Inbound Marketing

Inbound provides the blueprint to turn complete strangers into your biggest fans. With a proven methodology from our partners at Hubspot, you have a roadmap to inbound success. 

There are 4 stages in the Inbound Methodology: Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. 



The backbone of Inbound Marketing is all about providing remarkable content to your audience, no matter if they're a new visitor or an existing customer. Succesful Inbound companies engage with their current customers to delight and turn them into promoters.The tools from this stage help nurture customers into your biggest fans. 


Why waste time guessing what your targets like? Ask for feedback through surveys to ensure you're providing exactly what your customers want. 

Smart Content

This includes Smart CTA's and Smart Text. Provide users with tailored content based on their persona and stage in the buyer's journey. Help existing customers achieve their goals and appease their interest with new products and features. 

Social Monitoring

Being in the loop is a must. Keep tabs on the social conversations that your prospects and customers are having. Pay attention to questions, comments, and concerns but most importantly engage. 

 Keys to Delighting Your Customers

That wraps up Delight, the 4th and final stage of the Inbound Marketing Methodology. Following these steps and utilizing these tools will help you turn complete strangers into your biggest supporters and fans. 

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