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5 Things I Learned From Help Scout's Blog Principles


Help Scout is a web based help desk designed for great customer experience on a mission to help their users build a business that people will love. With over 2 million visitors in 2014 alone, Marketing specialist Gregory Ciotti opens up the book of secrets revealing some of their best content marketing strategies of the last 25 months. 


Check out these other resources to help you create amazing content:

By now we've established that remarkable content is the backbone to a great Inbound Marketing campaign. Here are 5 keys to keeping in mind when creating content that'll produce results. 

1. Marketing is enthusiasm transferred to the customer.

Just having an amazing product isn't enough to get people talking. If you want people to be excited about your brand then that same excitement needs to be oozing from your marketing efforts.  

2. Design is deeply embedded in the experience.

Slacking on the design end can be the quickest way to have your content overlooked. With many consumers being visual creatures, the graphics associated with your content can reinforce or relinquish your credibility.

3. A visual asset is worth 1000 words.

We've all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, well that goes the same for blogging. 

4. The best guest post is by a happy customer.

Trying to get people blogging about your brand can be difficult but the perfect author is right under your nose. Look to your satisfied customers for user and product reviews. 

5. Don’t forget your wheat bread.

Your wheat bread is that educational content that might not be the most appealing on a wide scale but is necessary for the nurturing of your target market. 

Keys to Delighting Your Customers

Remembering and applying these keys can guarantee you see results with your content strategy.You can view the full list from Help Scout here

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