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What Your Twitter Says About Your Brand

Twitter is a great way to get your brand out there and let people know what you do. What you say and how you say it affects how people will view your company. 


Does your Twitter truly reflect the brand, are you capturing users' attentions, are you even responding to customers tweets? All these things and more contribute to what your Twitter says about your brand.

Reflect Personality

Use the header image to help strengthen your brand identity. Make sure your username is the company name and have a professional looking photo or logo as your profile picture. You want to reflect your brand's personality to show users you are more than just a company.

Stand Out

This should seem like a no-brainer. You want to stand out so you are chosen over your competition. Using pictures and videos in your tweets is a great way to do this. Creating a special, relevant hashtag is another start. 

Interact & Respond

When customers tweet at you, be sure to respond. Twitter is a great tool to use for customer service. Respond not only to complaints but praises as well. Let your customers know you care what they have to say and you love them as much as they love you!

Share Quality Information

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? 80% of your content should be fun or helpful to others while the other 20% is reserved for you to talk about your brand. You don't want to seem self-centered or overload customers with stuff all about you. Share helpful tips, advice, and how-to's relevant to your customers. Have fun with it! You just want to be sharing quality information.


Analyze Words can assess your state of mind by reviewing words used in your Twitter account. They look at your emotional, social and thinking styles. Reviews do say they aren't sure how accurate this is, but it's fun to see!

Stay consistent in reflecting your personality, standing out, interacting, and sharing valuable information. When you are up to date, people view you as a trusted source. So, what is your Twitter saying about your brand?

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