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Why You Need to Start Prioritizing Bottom of the Funnel PPC Campaigns

We've seen it many more times than we can count when it comes to our clients. Before coming to us, marketing professionals and business owners don't do enough to take advantage of the prospects who are at the bottom of the funnel, ready to make a purchase. And oftentimes, these individuals are not only familiar with your brand, they're doing the research and seeking you out specifically. So why not take advantage of the opportunity of such an easy conversion?

A lot of times, it's just not something we think about. Our first thought is all about drawing customers in and helping them take the next step along the journey that eventually leads to a conversion. Instead of taking advantage of the prospects already at the bottom.

So today, we're going to tell you why you should start prioritizing bottom of the funnel PPC campaigns TODAY for a better ROAS and because it just makes sense!✨Are you ready to dive in and get your hands dirty? Let's go!

Why is it Important to Target the Bottom of the Funnel?

This lovely little island at the bottom of your sales funnel or at the second stage on the marketing flywheel is paradise. The place where your prospects not only know about your company but are pretty much ready to buy. And this makes converting them *almost* as easy as finishing off all the donuts in the company fridge before breakfast.🍩 (Not that ANY of us have done that.😋)

Targeting ROAS Helps You Stay Focused On What Matters: Money

ROi is great, (it includes all the "extra" expeditures, like operating costs and packaging and other investments) but in this case, ROAS is better. Why? Because you get to compare exactly how much you're making VS what your ads are costing, which helps you stay focused on what really matters: are people converting and are you MAKING money or LOSING money? Because let's be honest: We set up ads to make money. And if the ads aren't working well enough, (or, in other words, if we're spending more than we're making) we want to know about it! This makes ROAS a very useful tool for marketers like us.

Targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" Just Makes Sense

It's logical because if you focus your efforts on any other part of the funnel, whether it be the middle or the top or even the prospects coming into your funnel, you won't get anywhere unless you can convert them effectively and send them spinning into your flywheel.

The last couple steps that any prospect takes in your sales process should be impenetrable. You don't want anyone taking missteps. You want conversions. And the way to do that is properly optimizing your bottom of the funnel PPC campaigns.

The Qualities That Make Up Your Ads Change From Offer to Offer

After all, ads for Apple TV are going to have a whole different look and feel than ads that are aimed for potential iPhone purchasers.

However, you can still effectively target the prospects at the bottom of your funnel who are ready to buy using a few different strategies. These would include branded search (where prospects are looking for your company or brand specifically), single keyword ad groups (because ad copy becomes more relevant for users searching for those specific keywords), product listing ads (for prospects on the hunt for specific, branded products), negative keywords, (a great way to rid your campaigns of unwanted clicks and conversions; like students doing research for a paper, or business professionals spying on their competitors), and above all: cart abandonment.

Cart abandonment is a huge gold mine for conversions. They represent a whopping two-thirds of eCommerce customers and have basically done all the work for you. This is where properly targeted and well-worded ads are vital, too, so play your cards well and take advantage of the opportunity!

The Wrap-Up

The main thing we want you to take away? Start at the bottom and work backwards!

Do you have any awesome bottom of the funnel PPC ideas for driving home conversions?⚾We want to hear your insight!


Keith Kakadia

I am a native of New Orleans, LA with a passion for social media marketing, entrepreneurship, and making new connections. I enjoy the opportunity to work with amazing individuals and brands everyday.

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